Sunday, June 13, 2010

My little country church...

I was able to attend my home church in Sprinfield, Maine this morning. It is always such a blessing to come back! Don't you love country churches? Where else can you hear Buckshot Ham and the Lumberjacks sing the old hymns? I love that when they ask for special music, anyone can stand up and sing. I love that when they ask for testimonies, people stand up and share their praises and heartaches. I love that the Pastor preaches the word without apology and after 18 years in this community, he still tears up when he talks about those who don't know Christ. I love that every year for VBS, dozens of people come out and help and still dozens more children show up. I love that I get lots of hugs when I come back. I love that about 15 stopped and hugged my mom and told her they are praying for her.

We serve a big God...but He takes the time to visit Springfield!! How special is that??


  1. I remember going to that church. I'm so glad you were able to be with loved ones and share in it again!

  2. Thank you for the kind comments about Springfield Community Church and Pastor Bruce Swan. This church is served by Village Missions and you would find many such churches across our country. You can learn more about Village Missions at


    Brian Wechsler
    Executive Director
