Monday, September 13, 2010

The great 20 dollar shop...a day shopping with me:)

Remember last week when I only had 20 dollars left in the "grocery envelope" to buy the next week's groceries? As I mentioned, I don't want anyone to think we are destiute or anything, it's just that I try to stick to a budget and had gone high the last few weeks, so I try to make it a game to even everything out. Basically, I didn't make it, but I almost did! I spent $24 out of pocket, got but $2 was for a gift and I got back $3 in ECB at CVS. Here's the breakdown:

Harris Teetor:
2 gallons milk $2.47/ea (this is really 4 gallons since I mix it with powdered)
16oz sour cream 50 cents
4 cream cheese mini packs 50 cents/ea
pack Kraft singles $2
2 dozen eggs $1.47 ea
2 boxes HT cereal 97 cents ea
Contessa mongolian beef $7 (this was a HT "meal deal"--buy this, get the next items free):
2 liter Pepsi free
14oz Success rice free
wonton soup free
4 pk egg rolls free

total: $21.35

Rite Aid: (I used $15 in +UP rewards)
vanilla frosting 90 ce
2 3/4 # chocolate bars (will use for cc cookies) $1ea
banana bread mix 90 ce
2 (4) packs juice boxes $1 ea
2 boxes of yeast roll mix $1 ea (will use for pizza crust)
2 bags of blueberry muffin mix $1ea
1 bag croutons $1
1 box fig newtons $1
1 jar salsa $1
lip balm 50cents (gift)
cough drops 50 cents
32 oz tea $1.00
pack of cookies $1

total : $1.03

CVS: (all from the dollar section except the last...)
1 # Penne pasta
1# rotini pasta
plastic sandwich bags
1 bag popcorn
1 bag of trail mix (for granola)
1 box dried fruit (for granola)
2 8 oz honey mix (I use this for honey/oil in granola)
1 four pack applesauce
1 candy bar (gift)
1 8oz box toasted oats
1 bag teddy grahams
2 boxes cheezits $5.99 (double wrapped--$3 back in ECB)

Total: 83 cents

Total for the day: $23.21

I totally realize this is not a healthy diet, but we were low on snack food and have lots of staples in the freezer. I think we'll make it til Friday and my next shop!  Just wanted to let you know what a "cheap shop day" looks like:)!

Here's to happy shopping days!!

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