Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free coffee!!

Get a free sample of Thomas Coffee here: http://www.thomascoffee.com/request

Get a sample of Hearos Earplugs here: http://www.hearos.com/index/index-trial-no-video

Preganant? Join Enfamil Family Beginnings and get $250.00 in free gifts (guessing that's a lot of coupons...): https://www.enfamil.com/app/iwp/ConsumerRegisterLoadConsentInfo.do?referralID=517&cm_mmc=display-_-EFB_CPA1-_-SpecificMedia-_-EFB2010&com.broadvision.session.new=Yes&csred=1&r=3463177649

Here's another survey panel you can be a part of to earn cash rewards and prizes. The prizes look pretty intense. Check it out if that's your thing: https://www.globalopinionpanels.com/home

Tonight Mike and the girls left for the senior class trip to Florida. I'm working full time this week...a rarity for me, but I guess that pays for Abby's senior pics:). I'm loving this fall weather we are having, and the much needed rain!

Enjoy your evening!


  1. Thanks for posting the earplug freebie. I had no idea they made them for women. The regular ones are too large for my ears and make my ears ache. Can't wait to get the free sample and try them out!

  2. These links are really fantastic. Thanks for sharing this.
