Free Quaker Oatmeal Squares sample:
Free Purex with Zout sample (check back daily):
Free Splenda sample:
Free Charmin Roll Extender:
Free Hearos ear plugs (look for free sample link):
I will be updating daily on the All You Grocery Challenge, which runs June19- July16. The Challenge: spend only $25 per person per week or less ($150.00 for my crew) to feed your family, including eating out...but do so in a creative, healthy way. An * denotes our own garden food; (parentheses indicate healthy changes.) Winner gets $1000 and a write up in ALL YOU magazine! Please know that for grocery purchase totals, I round to the nearest dollar.
Day 18
So far, I've been doing pretty good with using up what we have and not shopping this week. My freezer and fridge are pathetically bare! I was hoping I could make it until we leave on Friday, but I'm going to run out of milk and will have to make a quick Aldi run. I'll also pick up a few items that are cheaper here than they are in Maine; I always take a few bags of groceries with me. We make our meals while we are there as we have our own cabin, so eating out is still rare. We do, however, buy certain treats every summer that only seem right in Maine: red hot dogs (with buns you can toast), whoopie pies, real maple syrup, steamers, blueberry coffee, and...of course...lobster!!
I have to admit, the not eating out is hitting us a little harder than I thought it would. I think the main reason for this is that it is summer, and we do tend to go out about once a week as a family during the summer months, even if it's just for sundaes at Mickey Ds. We'll get our chance on Friday though, with the Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. The kids are already planning their costumes...
Breakfast: sausage, toast with jelly/nutella/honey, milk/coffee
Lunch: chicken salad with apples on whole wheat, watermelon, water
Dinner: Shepherd's pie, watermelon, cukes*, tomatoes*, sugar-free jello, milk/water
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