Sunday, July 3, 2011

All You Day 15...Half Way There!! Isaiah 45

Interesting passage from Isaiah 45 this morning in church. I always like to be reminded that God does what God wants to do:

I am the LORD, and there is no other;

apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me, 
so that from the rising of the sun
to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other.
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things.

I will be updating daily on the All You Grocery Challenge, which runs June19- July16. The Challenge: spend only $25 per person per week or less ($150.00 for my crew) to feed your family, including eating out...but do so in a creative, healthy way. An * denotes our own garden food; (parentheses indicate healthy changes.) Winner gets $1000 and a write up in ALL YOU magazine! Please know that for grocery purchase totals, I round to the nearest dollar.

Day 15
I'm half way there in the All You seems to be going by quickly and I've had very few complaints from the fam. This Friday evening we head to Maine; we'll drive all night, arriving on Saturday afternoon. This will be a very tough week to stay on task. I'm already planning to pack both a picnic dinner and a picnic breakfast; with a little Providential blessing, we'll have a breakfast of muffins, cheese and boiled eggs on the Ogunquit Beach in the early morning. Might just have to cave and buy a cup of coffee somewhere. This has been very good for me, because it's caused me to rethink what is "needed" and what is superfluous. And guess what?? I buy LOTS of superfluous!!

On a bright note, I typically use this week (the week before we go to Maine) to officially clean out the freezer and frig and only buy what we "need." Of course, we do have a 4th of July celebration planned for tomorrow, and I'll need to pick up a few items for that, but not much else. It makes for interesting meals, but it's good to start over when we get back.

Breakfast: whole wheat banana muffins, OJ, milk, coffee
Lunch: leftover buffet, sugar free jello, water
Dinner: potato and Italian wedding soups, corn bread, milk, cc cookies

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