Saturday, August 7, 2010

New freebie list for you!

Hey! We ALMOST made it to 200. 197!! Nope, I won't budge. But I'm guessing next month, we really will be able to draw for the cookware set. Woot! The beginning email of this month's winner of a Barnes and Noble gift card is: kmorrow62902@ . I don't know you, so you will have to email me and tell me who you are and give me an address! Congratulations!

One new-to-the-blog friend, (Randy...thanks for joining) asked me about the whole "how do you balance making things from scratch when the the reality is that it's often cheaper to buy them" conundrum. Short answer: I don't know! But longer answer: I will address this issue this coming week sometime.

Here's some new free samples for you:
Free Power Bar:
Free Emergen-C sample:
Free Post It Super Sticky Notes:
Free Nature's Bounty Gummie Vitamin sample:
Free Cheetos Mighty Zingers: Wait on the main page if it doesn't pop up immediately.
Just came back from a weding--Peyton and Emily Merriam--very nice. And a good diversion for me. I did manage to pick up the FAR items at Walgreens today. Office Depot was already out of the free backpacks. Will have to do more shopping next week once I get my head back in gear.
And thank you for all the prayers and concern for my mom and my family.  I just love how tragedy brings out so much good in community/people. She has had many donations and it is truly a blessing! Most of you know that our family was in a really horrible car wreck about 18 months ago. I can honestly say that this has been far more difficult emotionally, for a myriad of reasons. God just conutinues to amaze me as He shows me over and over that He is truly all we need.

1 comment:

  1. You need to correct that zip - that's not right.
