Monday, July 8, 2019

2019 Goals--Half Year Grades.

1) More intentionality regarding ____________________.

This is a very personal goal, and I will not share the particulars. I would give myself a C+, or maybe a B- at this point in the year. I have had more success with this the past couple of months; I'm guessing that's because I started praying more. Imagine that!

2) Read entire Bible through.

I'm using the One Year Bible Plan, which provides daily readings in the Old and New Testament as well as Psalms and Proverbs. It's a nice mix. Solid A on this one. I rarely miss a day, and when I do, I catch up the next day, or sometimes I read ahead if I know a particularly busy day is coming up. Currently reading I Chronicles in the OT and Acts in the NT.

3) Read 40 books.

I've already finished 32. I think I undershot this goal. 

What I've read so far:

You Were Warned
Women at the Well
Deception Point
The House by the River
Hope They Like Rice
The Address
First Aid Manual
Broken Grace
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

China Rich Girlfriend
Your Money or Your Life
The Address
Manuel of School Health
Nurse Exam Secrets
Anna Karenina
One Friday in Jerusalem
Murder in the South of France
If She Knew
Wish Upon a Shell
Generous Justice
Bridge to Haven
All This I Will Give to You
Hunger for God
Dig for Your Dinner in May
Dig for Your Dinner in June
Commander in Chief
Dinner with a Perfect Stranger
Youth and Consumption
Romancing Your Child's Heart
Out of Range
The Lost Kitchen (from my friend, Della) Such a great read!

Currently reading: 

An American Princess
Playing for Pizza
The Stranger in the Woods

4) Spend at least 20 minutes daily in prayer/prayer journaling. (In addition to Bible reading and gratefulness journal.)

I would still say a C on this. Prayer is an area of struggle for me. I have been doing a little better during this second quarter. 

5) Take Cantonese classes.  DONE

6) Weigh ______ by Will's wedding, July 20. 
 (Daily: 10K steps, at least 60 active minutes-per fit bit, 1100 calories or less, 2L water)

It's not that I'm making excuses, (OK, I am) but I don't think I'm going to quite make this. But it's OK, because I can change the end date!

7) Hike Mt. Katahdin before I turn 51 (on July 29).   DONE

I DID IT! And I climbed arguably the hardest trail: up Cathedral, across The Knife's Edge, and down Helon Taylor. My legs were stiff for 4 days, but I did it, and I have zero desire to try it again when I am 60. Hiking Katahdin is one of those things you do that is not enjoyable at the time, but it does bring a certain sense of pride.

A portion of the Knife's Edge.

At the Peak.

Lots of hikers on Cathedral when we got there. 

Looking back across Knife's Edge toward the summit. 

 8) Pay off faith promise to our church by the end of the year.  DONE

We truly love our church in Hong Kong. This is part of our adult Sunday School class. (The men are sitting at the other end...taking about men things.) Isn't eating the universal prerequisite for Christian gatherings??

Anyhow, we were blessed, and consequently able to pay off our faith promise to our church in Hong Kong before the end of June. God is good. 

9) Save $________ by the end of the year.

I am not sure if we will make our projected goal, but in the savings department, SOME is always better than NONE. B-

10) Provide 30 meals for others.   DONE--but will continue. 

I do this in a variety of ways: having guests stay in our home, having friends over for a meal, taking someone out to eat, providing meals for others in need (after a baby, an illness, etc), sending gift cards for meals when I cannot provide a hands on dinner.

While we are in Maine, this ramps up a notch or two...or three or four! Our home is basically a Bed and Breakfast in the summer months, and we love having people over. I've already provided my 30 meals, but I'll keep this going throughout the rest of the year. 

My son, Aaron and 3 of his college buds were here for a week.  Here they are with brother Will.

11) Volunteer 3 hours a month on average and 1 week at Living Waters.

I don't think I've quite hit 3 hours a month, but it's been close. I was able to complete my week as a camp nurse at Living Waters in Maine this past week. I have been going to this camp since I was 11 years old...these folks are like family to me. It is such a blessing to be able to give back to a place that impacted me in such a huge way. 

Mrs. Emery has been working in the office at camp since the year it opened in 1970. 49 years!! She is 95, and shows us how it's done.

These two couples have invested greatly in my life personally. The couple seated, Wendell and Joan Calder, founded the camp and directed it for the next 20 years. Karen and Roger Black, standing, have been there for 36 years, 29 as director. 

The view from the infirmary window.

12) Post on my blog weekly. 

I didn't start until Feb 22, and this is my 17th post. That's 17 out of 27 weeks, or 63%. Which is failing by some standards, and a D by others. But that percentage will go up as the year goes on, if I stay the course.  Maybe I can end up with a C??

13) Write a real letter or card weekly.

Don't you love it when you get a real letter in the mail? It's a rarity these days. I've done OK on this, but not great. I started out strong, but then missed some weeks. I try to write a note to someone each weekend.  B or C on this one.

14) Buy one new piece of "investment" clothing for Mike or myself monthly.

Still not doing well on this goal. I did buy some expensive underwear for myself that was on sale and 3 pairs of Darn Tough Socks for Mike. Does that count?? D+

15) Finish up and notarize our will. DONE Talk to the funeral home.

Finishing our will has literally been on my to do list for 20+ years. It is finally completed, just need to run to the notary and get it tucked away. This is such a relief for me, and it's really silly that it took me so long to finish. 

I also want to talk to our local funeral home this summer about planning ahead. I'm not sure what that looks like, but that's exactly why I want to start the conversation. We already purchased cemetery lots in my family cemetery a couple of years ago. That's a start!

16) Change over old 401Ks to IRAs, or at least talk to financial planner.  DONE

Actually, after talking to a planner, we opted not to change over to IRAs. We are, however, moving around the investments we do have within the companies they are already in. 

17) _______a ________ for _________.  DONE!

A personal gift. You'll find out about it when the recipient does. It's finished and ready for Christmas!!  

18) Get nursing CEUs finished by summer.

Slated to finish on July 11, this Thursday! So close to checking this one off the list. 

19) Get some sort of travel certification.   

I thought I was going to be able to have this checked off because I sent the money in to join a group over a month ago, but I haven't heard back from them...sooo...maybe next time!