Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The tampon alternative...the keeper.

OK, here's one that should get some comments.

I first learned about The Keeper in The Tightwad Gazette back in the 90s...and I ordered one. I used it almost exclusively for 7-8 years (I used traditional items when travelling would make this product inconvenient), but then when we moved several times in several years, my keeper got lost. I considered buying a new one, but at the time was in my late 30s and didn't know how much longer I would be using feminine products. Now, at 42 1/2, I wish I'd bought another one. If I didn't get boxes of free pads/tampons using rebates/coupons--of if I was more mindful of environmental issues--I would order one today.

Basically there are two sizes, one for pre and one for post childbirth. There are also two different materials used so that those with latex allergies can purchase with no fear. Here's a blurb from their website:
"The Keeper is a natural gum rubber cup and The Keeper Mooncup is a medical grade silicone cup - both similar to the material that is used in baby bottle nipples - that is worn internally, holding (instead of absorbing) monthly menstrual flow and does not contain animal byproducts! If you have latex allergies, we highly recommend The Keeper Mooncup. Either cup can be worn safely through the night. To insert the cup, you first hold the cup between your fingers and insert. The cup forms a seal which keeps fluid inside the cup. It will not absorb or disrupt your natural vaginal moisture. It is environmentally friendly to the earth and to yourself! No paper products to throw away month after month. The cup holds one ounce of menstrual flow. (An average woman's entire monthly flow is about 2 to 4 ounces, or so they say!) And it's so comfortable - you need to make sure not to forget you're wearing it! To remove it you simply pinch the bottom of the cup to release the seal, then bear down gently with your pelvic muscles to help move it downward. Remove slowly, slightly tilting the cup, and empty the contents into the toilet. Rinse or wipe and you're ready to reinsert. Between cycles you should wash The Keeper sufficiently with warm water and a mild antibacterial soap or a mild vinegar and water solution. (DO NOT USE HARSH CHEMICALS.)"  Check out the rest of the info and order page here: http://www.thekeeperstore.com/

The cost is $35.00 plus shipping and if used exclusively, it obviously pays for itself rather quickly.

My personal opinion? It worked great! I had very little leakage. I did wear a pantyliner on heavier flow days and I sometimes wore pads at night.

If you are into au naturale and/or saving the earth (or just some moolah)...this might be just your thing!!

Any thoughts? Has anyone used one of these?

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